
Drone Music

August 20 2020

Drone music at first listening is perceived as most banal and of little interest. However, deeper listening beckons, hence concentration, focus, calm, attention. Attention to the details. To bring us back to the essentials of simple perceptions. It is, as the Chinese know of past, that which is pale or rather bland as opposed to that which is of flavour - valuing “the flavourless rather than the flavourful”. For often, that which is tasty is either of salt or sugar as a means to hide poor quality. It is the same with this concept taken further. That which appears of candy - eye candy for example, is but a sugary effect to illuminate the senses yet it is often devoid of anything of great meaning. Whereas that which is plain, neutral and without fancy beholds a beauty it seems we have long forgotten. And when we taste this plain object of apparently little desire, we can begin to sense the qualities of its simple being. 

And what do we sense I hear you ask? Personally, it is what happens during the process of activity - whether that be of listening or seeing, tasting, smelling or touching, when one opens up to the experience, one is opening oneself up to fields of possibilities that are deeply personal. It can be seen as a door of perception opening up to invite you. And what may present itself beyond is for you to discover.


Eliane Raddigue and Concrete Music

My first attempt at making some drone music