
Welcome to N-1

That which lies behind contrived being reveals an incoherent collage, rich as is beautiful. My understanding of you is a revelation in this profound complexity that has been labeled 'life'.
Non-Linear Explosions Of The Emotive Mind. Mark Webster 2013.


N-1 is a research website which attempts to explore the subject of memory as a means for artistic expression. This is an evolving space that documents the sporadic unravellings of uncertain yet promising revelations. You will find notes, references and a reading log that serve to help the process of my research. For the most part, these are a means to collect information pertaining to enlighten the path. As a means to develop on these, I also write articles that take a deeper analysis of current topics entertaining my mind. These are in no way meant to be academic, indeed I eshew that style in search for a more accessible and at times perhaps more readable narrative. They are personal thoughts laid bare.